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Graduates majoring in different fields
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What We Offer
Our School offers the path that most students require in order for them to reach their potential in their desired field.
General Courses
We offer courses that focus primarily on the English language and we use different materials that help students grasp new concepts quickly.
Our main goals in the English course are for the student to:
- Speak English more confidently.
- Have a deeper knowledge of the structure of English grammar.
- Better understand spoken English.
- Produce the target structures confidently and accurately.
School Activities
The students take part in many activities throughout the school year. those activities are an important factor in our teaching methodology.
Student's Report
The parents need to know how their child is doing and we understand that, so we dedicate days throughout the school year for parents to get to know how their child is doing academically and behaviorally.
Our Teachers
Take a peak at our teacher and our manager
Gassan Mrad
Math Teacher
Helping Students is what drives me to wake up everyday
Annisa Alonto
English teacher
Education is the first step for building a better life for everyone
Aiman Alonto
science teacher
I like to keep my students engaged with the topic
Shirly Alonto
General manager
Our school has helped so many students reach their potential
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